I release my grip on that which would rip
My heart apart
I remove myself
From everything and everyone that does not give me rest
I let it go
That my soul may soar to heights unimaginable
That my mind might capture insights
Insights of truth, love and a liberty that is indeed free
I let it go
That I might know
Who He is
Who I am
Where He’s called me to be
That my heart might be full
That my steps might be straight
That my face might shine forth His amazing grace for others to see
I refuse to be a prisoner of unforgiveness
I refuse to live a life of sin and unrepentiveness
I refuse to hold people in my heart as a prisoner
I refuse to be poisoned
By the venom of hate
That will seal my fate in a dark place of
despair and cruel condemnation
That keeps the sun from warming my face
Chaining down my heart from knowing love
Keeping my spirit in the haze of a dark twisted deception that feeds me a false elation
It Go
I forgive me me
For trying to arrange a safe place
For trying to be okay
Within a self righteous place
I let me go
That I might now
The depth of love He has for my soul
I shudder under the weight
Of His relentless belief in me
Cause I know just how unworthy I am
Everyday if I must
For I choose to radically trust
In the one who holds me
Sustains me
Comforts me
Completes me
I let it Go.