Who Am I?

Who are you?

Who Are We as a Nation

When we refuse to celebrate the beauty of our pigmentation

To enjoy the God-given expression of our uniqueness as a person

I am black

I am brown

I am red

I am white

I am blue

I am America!

How long will we allow ourselves to be held prisoner by this systemic sickness called racism

Kept alive by an ideology of division

Rooted in a self-righteous mindset that is twisted

A visceral of heartsick

Conscience seared

Soul disturbed

A darkness of ideology

That plays the herd

To their own detriment

A fear baiting deranged agenda

That has bankrupted our moral compass and made us pretenders

I’m not who you say I am


As a man

— Who defends

As a woman

— Who nourishes

As an American

— Who embraces liberty and stands for justice

As an individual

— With God-given gifts bursting with capacity

To love

— with passion

To live

— with courage

To give

— with compassion

To receive

— In humility

I will stretch forth my hands unto the God of this land

I will lift my voice and make a righteous noise

I will not react

I will respond

I will activate my vote

For that which is true to rule

I will participate in this republic

And lift my voice for truth

My faith will be released to love beyond

the wicked narrative of violence, destruction, and hate

I will embrace my neighbored no matter what color their face

Even when I cannot grasp why some do what they do

To see it – hurts the deepest part of me

Even then by God’s grace, I will yet love my enemy


I am black

I am brown

I am red

I am white

I am blue

I am America!

For those who don’t think I am

You are blind

Prejudice from a self-righteous place

It’s not just about race 


Ignorant and cannot understand

I will pray for your troubled soul

Just know that you cannot stop

From Making America Great…


I am America!

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